Sunday, March 28, 2010

And the results are

NOT in.  I got a little distracted and then went on a trip and in the end, I proved that eating unhealthy makes me feel not so great all the time but that it is SO easy to not eat healthy healthy per se.  Ok, really, all that means is is that I was lame and wandered from the path but I am back and ready to GO!!

Yay me, more later

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Barely a week

So I was doing the whole exercise thing, I am, right, but the thing that gets to me is the minimum exertion.  So here is the thing about exercise and when you haven't and I am not sure if the trainers and all those people remember this.  Hi, this is a little hard.  Run at 70strides per minute, crap I can barely do the 45.  I try but how many people out there are with me in the hi when you start here (((()))) and the whole sweat thing is like shit to get to this () is going to be a pain in the ass. 

I suppose I can go find someone who is also blogging and stuff and maybe this crawling towards the goal and I will find commiseration in the agony.

Right isn't that the point of the online communities, Hi I don't want to work out today, oh yeah you can do it.  I mean hardly, sometimes I want to lay down and just READ.  Oh yeah right.

I had a whole bunch of other rants but mostly it was that.  The exercise thing, like WTF, crawling towards this goal.  I am wondering whether or not this whole diabetes thing is providing a little bit of a challenge.  The reason being in the past, and perhaps you can join me here, is the eat healthy a little exercise and then bam, hi, weight melts off.  I guess all those fat fuck bastards who blah blah blah health, blah blah blah age, blah blah motherfucking blah diabetes.  Tedious and mundane is this whole thing.

Also, I know there are articles and I will be checking them out.  Tomorrow, big day, let's see if the one diet produced any results.  I have some Apple apps I am using, but don't want to mention them since I use some and then delete them.  All good efforts, good effort peoples.  Do any fat people trying to lose weight develop these?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Let's talk about the crawl

And by the crawl I mean that thing that occurs when the alarm clock goes off in the morning and I know more than anything I need more sleep but instead I promised I would work out.
Here is the truth about the working out vs the sleeping vs the staying up late and doing whatever it is I do.   In stack ranking of top 3, 1 is staying up late, 2 is sleeping, 3 is working out.  I am getting better, and I am wondering, without the benefit of the whole googling the internet (love how that is a verb now) on whether or not the struggle with dropping weight this time is because of the diabetes, the age, or my body basically saying piss off bish, I am about done with this shit.

I am holding steady at the 215 but in fairness, I am also 'retaining' water which is just a nice way of saying well, you know.  Since I was speaking of working out, maybe for grins and tears I should add up how much  money I have spent on the exercise videos, equipment and etc etc crap that litter my place and then chalk the statistic up to the crap I should be thin for that amount.

PS: waiting for the omg I feel so fucking amazing since I have been eating healthy rush

Monday, March 8, 2010

Revamped and revised

LOL I am kidding ;-) Ok so this week we are trying a menu plan from EODD and upping the cardio.  BTW does cardio stand for OMFG I am about to have a heart attack.
So yeah, trying the cardio 3x a week and upping the strength training and seeing what happens.  What more am I talking about?  Who knows? I discovered I am not fond of people, so how is this supposed to work?  They say you do better at this with talking to people and working it out with them, but that does not appear to be the case.  Or does it?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hanging out

Ok, so here is the random observation, when I was youmger, so not 40ish, I could start a program like this, oh wait, update, so I haven't started to compare the 2 things I mentioned.  Did you know you cannot get an unbiased report?  You get affiliate reports, which I find to be a little suspicious.  Like hey I will say how awesome this is and then be all buy it here.
Also, the tracking aspect, I am kind of stalled right now, and am wondering why.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Of the mice and cheeses

So as I got up this morning and tried to do my stretch band stuff, it occurred to me What a flipping pain in the ass!!!
So this is supposed to be more convenient than say free weights and the need for benches and all that.  Hi no, FAIL.  Wrap this shit around the door, sit on a chair (hi making me sit my ass on a chair vs a bench is not more convenient)
Ok so I get that it should like I just bitch about this, but I am REALLY trying to find what it is that can move my fat ass in a direction and share that with everyone because I think I am pretty indicative of most people who struggle with weight.  And listening to skinny people tell us to eat healthy and exercise more is not always helpful.

So, today's menu was a MEGA protein shake (tofu, greek yogurt, steel cut oatmeal, protein powder and blueberries* for breakfast
cukes/carrots and hummus for a snack and yogurt
live bread brocc sprouts, guac and sliced chicken breast.  (more veggie stuff on it but I am too lazy to find it and see)
Grapes and yogurt
Roasted chicken breast and salad mix

I figured out I was not eating enough calories so, trying to correct that.  Did I mention the showdown, next week though, I have to figure out the menus and corresponding workouts to give them all a fair shake

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Two steps backwards 1 step forward

Cliche I know, but this has been a weird week and I am not sure why that is but there it is.  I have had some fluctuating emotions but other than that I am not sure what else I can pinpoint.
Let us summarize what I have assessed so far:
I can struggle to lose weight because I am going against
Body type
Ayurvedic class

Did I miss anything? That seems like such a short list, I thought there were all kinds of other reasons why I struggled Oh yeah, because I am holding onto my fat or it is a safety net or I like it.  Maybe, we have all heard about comfort food and all that.

My weight loss is on track just slowed this week which I cannot explain.  I am at 215, so I am tracking slightly less this week than the 3+ pounds per week.

I gotta sat the eating healthy is not the hard part, the exercise is kicking my ass, I think if I could work out all day I might, but whenever I look up I see the day has gone.  I have so much exercise shit that I wish I could sleep in the middle of it and lose weight ;)

Ok, more later
oh yeah, you know how I said I am not endorsing or verifying anything so if you see paid ads, I am not it.  having said that, I have gone after 3 of the hey fat chick, come buy us so we can tell you what you already know what but won't follow.  Ready? In the coming months I am going to be comparing the diet solution and Every Other Day and Gabriel Method against each other.  Also, I plan to review them against the library of diet/healthy Sugar buster/Belly buster blah blah blah diet books.  Let's see how that all stacks up against each other.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Now found on Twitter and Facebook

Because it is always important you know where your fat chick is ;)

Oh yeah sorry, I made another plan too

To get to my goal weight from where I started, it will take approximately 24 weeks with a burn rate of 3.5 pounds per week.  Assuming I cannot maintain that, I have slotted at least 26 weeks for the target check point to see where I am at.
The good news is that this week, I have already surpassed the 3.5 and am at 4 pounds from week one to now.
So update is current weight is now 216 down 4 from 220, week 1.
Everyone do a lil cheer!! Cheer! Cheer.  Yeah whatever.

Did you think I forgot?

Noooo, just got all trapped in the boring mundane day to day things that get in all our ways.  Not like ya missed me or anything, I get that, since who knows who is reading this.  The problem I have with blogs is that they are so much noise out there.  I mean instead of a directed conversation it is like we have become a nation of disenfranchised who talk to ourselves and think we are sooo funny.  Neither here nor, there, but back before cell phones and all that, you could tell the homeless or possibly people who were on the fringe because they would walk down the street talking to themselves.  Nowadays, they look like the rest of us, talking on our cell phones, or blathering on the web about every mundane detail.  Blogs, tweeting and all this is just another way to pretend we matter.
Ok, that rant out of the way (and that is a half assed explanation of why this is not an everyday occurrence for me) let us talk about my weight.  The (pardon the comment) elephant in the room and also, about the size of my ass.  The reason for my weight is more emotional than I love junk food, all the trans fat and low this and that, I mean seriously, junk food is supposed to be unhealthy, duh.  So yeah, the junk food of today is missing all that inherent unhealthy yumness it had back when I was NOT overweight.  Irony, leave a message.
So, I read all the things, I am a good lil mega consumer (in more ways than one) in that I read the health magazines and the web sites and some other things and even the piece parts about the emo side of it.  So, am I more or less in touch with my emotions if I write them down here? Seems like a stretch to me but, ok.
Here is the thing that I cannot reconcile, I live in my mind, I love solving problems, and visual things and, well other stuff, so when I go to workout, I have to tell you, I am astonished when my body doesn't move or stretch the way I think it should.  I mean it, I am seriously stunned, like, huh...What is this?
Ok, I have to get to work, so I guess I am done for today:
This week's menu
Breakfast: Grapefruit and 1/2 cup cottage cheese OR Thomas's High Fiber English Muffin & Peanut Butter
(grapefruit is breakfast it is either or the other above)
Snacks: Grapes, Cheese, 1/4 c hummus, carrot chips, yogurt
Lunch: 2oz sliced Chicken breast, 2 slices ezekiel live bread, baby greens, radish and clover sprouts, tomatoe, 1 slice low fat swiss cheese (IE sandwich) Carrot chips and hummus might be with the sandwich and yogurt for the snack.  Oh and a salad with blackberry vinagerette.
Dinner: I haven't decided, this week I have some leftovers to get rid of, and before the nutrition fiends freak out, you should know in general my eating plan is mostly healthy (90% of the time) and then if I get some dim sum or have some noodles, the world doesn't end.  General guidelines are: lean protein, salad or some vegetable.
Ok, I think I will come back and write more maybe tomorrow.
Oh, exercise?
Yes, I am :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 2 Who thnks Ho Hos should be a health food?

Just kidding, but sometimes, have you ever notice with you eat healthy and then have a lil junk food it doesn't taste as good as you remember?  Not that I cheated today, I did the healthy right thing, and truthfully, I feel better when I do this but every once in a while, I think, how bad could it be?  Then I take a bite and am all, what? that was not worth it.
So, that being said, there has to be a reason why it seems to taste so good.  Yeah if I made a zillion dollars to make that shit up, I would do that instead,
Today's meal was
Steel cut oatmeal and scrambled eggs for breakfast
string cheese, yogurt snack
2 homemade empanadas (yeah splruge whatever, Mom made them so)
Carrots and hummus - snacks
Spinach, egg brown rice scramble burrito.
Exercise, Yoga 30 minutes.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 1 because I can

Ok, so, in case you are wondering, I am not here to endorse or promote or sell supplements (say hello to the pyramid scams of the internet) so if you see any ads or click thru's on this blog, not mine.

Why am I here? Well, here is the thing, I have had a weight problem off and on most of my life, sometimes I can get way down and be all that and a bag of chips and other times, tie a basket to my legs and light the fire because I am ready to take flight.

So, I always said I would never be one of those people who would do this on the web, but then, it occurred to me, the things I hate about getting my shit together and being all responsible (because let's be honest, taking the time to act like an adult in food and exercise is being responsible as opposed to eating junk food and vegging out on the tv or video games all night) are the annoying complexities.

In a nutshell, here is what I noticed, to eat right takes preparation. Am I the only one who looks at the weekly menus and thinks wtf? Here is the first change I propose, breakfast is breakfast, same meal (or 2) every day of the week. Mix it up by week not by day, so you cookbooks and menu plans know who you are. Like I am going to make 21 meals and 14 different snacks to eat 3 meals and 2 snacks per day for the whole 7 days. I can make 1 item for breakfast, 1 to 2 items for lunch and dinner I might mix it up. You all with me so far? I get variety and all that, but come on, when you are not eating healthy, what are you eating? Bowl of Sugar pops? every morning right? Oh maybe you mix it up with some other breakfast cereal but come on.

Next, exercise, yeah I know everyone says you have to, and I want to, I really do, but I have a short attention span. So, here is what I am going to do, this may not work for everyone, but I am doing this on my laptop as I walk on my treadmill! SCORE ;) multitasking and working out. I stop when I hit cardio range and push myself but you get the jist.

I am here to share my progress, things that suck, things that work. Weightloss is a multi billion dollar a year industry and god knows I have contributed my fair share to that bottom line, so now, for all us fat chicks, let the adventure begin because I am on a mission!!

Oh yeah: Salient facts
Over 40
Female (hence the fat chick not fat guy)
Current weight 220 (down already from 239)
Target Weight 135
Starting today
Diet is a combination of all the mad skill diet books on my bookshelf which omg hey all say the same thing (weird) of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean protein and whole grains. That was so hard!

Thomas's High Fiber English Muffin - 100 cals
Egg white/egg omelet (I make a mix that is one container egg whites + 2 whole eggs that I use all week)
1 TB homemade guac (avos, tomatoes, onion + lime juice)

Snack: 1 apple

Lunch: Leftover vegetables and buckwheat noodles

Snack: 4 oz Carrots and 2 TB flax seed hummus

more later or until I lose interest