Monday, February 22, 2010

Did you think I forgot?

Noooo, just got all trapped in the boring mundane day to day things that get in all our ways.  Not like ya missed me or anything, I get that, since who knows who is reading this.  The problem I have with blogs is that they are so much noise out there.  I mean instead of a directed conversation it is like we have become a nation of disenfranchised who talk to ourselves and think we are sooo funny.  Neither here nor, there, but back before cell phones and all that, you could tell the homeless or possibly people who were on the fringe because they would walk down the street talking to themselves.  Nowadays, they look like the rest of us, talking on our cell phones, or blathering on the web about every mundane detail.  Blogs, tweeting and all this is just another way to pretend we matter.
Ok, that rant out of the way (and that is a half assed explanation of why this is not an everyday occurrence for me) let us talk about my weight.  The (pardon the comment) elephant in the room and also, about the size of my ass.  The reason for my weight is more emotional than I love junk food, all the trans fat and low this and that, I mean seriously, junk food is supposed to be unhealthy, duh.  So yeah, the junk food of today is missing all that inherent unhealthy yumness it had back when I was NOT overweight.  Irony, leave a message.
So, I read all the things, I am a good lil mega consumer (in more ways than one) in that I read the health magazines and the web sites and some other things and even the piece parts about the emo side of it.  So, am I more or less in touch with my emotions if I write them down here? Seems like a stretch to me but, ok.
Here is the thing that I cannot reconcile, I live in my mind, I love solving problems, and visual things and, well other stuff, so when I go to workout, I have to tell you, I am astonished when my body doesn't move or stretch the way I think it should.  I mean it, I am seriously stunned, like, huh...What is this?
Ok, I have to get to work, so I guess I am done for today:
This week's menu
Breakfast: Grapefruit and 1/2 cup cottage cheese OR Thomas's High Fiber English Muffin & Peanut Butter
(grapefruit is breakfast it is either or the other above)
Snacks: Grapes, Cheese, 1/4 c hummus, carrot chips, yogurt
Lunch: 2oz sliced Chicken breast, 2 slices ezekiel live bread, baby greens, radish and clover sprouts, tomatoe, 1 slice low fat swiss cheese (IE sandwich) Carrot chips and hummus might be with the sandwich and yogurt for the snack.  Oh and a salad with blackberry vinagerette.
Dinner: I haven't decided, this week I have some leftovers to get rid of, and before the nutrition fiends freak out, you should know in general my eating plan is mostly healthy (90% of the time) and then if I get some dim sum or have some noodles, the world doesn't end.  General guidelines are: lean protein, salad or some vegetable.
Ok, I think I will come back and write more maybe tomorrow.
Oh, exercise?
Yes, I am :)

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