Monday, April 16, 2012

Making progress

Do we care? Not sure, since I have ping ponged back and forth around 'fads' and here is what I have discovered for myself.  As I get older, I eat less, just naturally do, I get full and things that I used to love now mess with my GI tract like no one else's business.  I used to drink 2+ liters of Pepsi a day, now, if I drink more than a SMALL 6-8 oz can, my stomach let's me know how unacceptable that is.  More than that, a previous fave, ribeye steak, I am now ok with taking a few bites from someone else OR just ordering a leaner cut OR, going for something not even meat. 
So what this leads me to is the evolution of eating healthy, and whether or not if you get older and still eat like crap, what does that mean?  Fast food tastes like literal cardboard, when I used to LOVE some fast food cheeseburgers.  Oh, so the big question, have I lost weight? Yes and no, I have lost about 15-20 pounds and now fully realize, yeah, have to work out.  So, to that end, as feedback for some other stuff I posted before.  Skip the EODD (every other day diet) and go for the other one...Uhm, what is it called? Isabel Del Rios one? Beyond Diet;, reasons for this include the scope of the nutritional recommendations and insight.  Also, there is a reality about her recommendations.  For instance, when she admits that her family may not be as wholly into the eat every vegetable concept so there are other ways she finds to make sure they are getting optimum health.  There is also a very practical way she recommends things, I cannot tell if it is a downside or just my preference but the 'point to this site' recommendations are, on the one hand, appreciated but on the other kind of prickle me the wrong way.  I get it, this is how people network and 'share' their resource pools as I am the one making the choice to click on it (if interested) and I am the one who has to either snoop around the site or just leave after the information.  And, in fairness, none of them lead to buy now before you can see this information sites (at least not the ones I have clicked :))
What else, oh yeah, juicing, digging on the juicing and when I do it, not unlike they say, I look better and I feel better.  Who would have thunk.
I now know and I hate that I know it that the next step, as stated above, is I have to work out.  So what will it be?  I am thinking I am pulling out the ol P90X, and you know why? Because I like it, I like the pace and know that I control the level of my commitment and that it doesn't matter that I am not that buff mad ripped cardio endurance machine but that all I have to do, every day, every time, is do what I can.  And do it again the next day.
I guess that does it for the semi annual update although maybe, just maybe, I will be doing some more here :)  Or not, ah ha~!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Once a year and how's it going

So, since it is not a well read adventure I am having out here, there is no harm in admitting that no big deal, I have lost a total of 8 pounds when last we spoke, 5 of which came back over the most recent holidays.  HAHAHAHA.  Maybe more later, maybe not.